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Wednesday March 12th, 2025 04:18:13 AM
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directions to our home: [map view] [satellite view]
	Directions to 511 Cathy's Ct, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
		Cell: 724-612-6327; Home: 724-742-1732

Local Directions:
- From I76/I79 intersection, travel about 1.5 miles on 19N
- At traffic light, turn left onto Rochester Rd and go West for 1.9 miles 
- At traffic light, turn right onto Powell Rd and go North for 1.2 miles 
- Turn left at the stop sign onto Klein Rd and go West for 0.3 miles 
- (NOTE: First left is Avery Fields Phase 1 - don't take that) 
- Take second left onto Deemers Dr. 
- Take second Right onto Cathy's Ct - Come to end of the cul-de-sac to 511 Cathy's Ct

From I76 West/East:
- Get off exit 28 (Cranberry Exit) and get onto 19N
- Then follow Local Directions

From I79 North/South:
- Take the Cranberry Exit and get onto 19N
- Then follow Local Directions

From I80 East:
- I80 East becomes I76 East
- Get off exit 3 (Cranberry Exit) and get onto 19N
- Then follow Local Directions

From I80 West:
- Take 79S
- Take the Cranberry Exit and get onto 19N
- Then follow Local Directions
Last Updated: May 02, 2008 10:23:15 PM.